The field needed to be thinned out through fraise mowing, and aggressive verticutting. Appropriate watering, fertilizer, and topdressing prior to and after the project was extremely important to getting a quick recovery.
The grass on the field was "laying over" as it was choking itself out. This caused the surface to be very shallow and moveable with the shift of a player's movement.
JUNE 2021
Having worked with SFS extensively over the last few years I knew they would do a great job and they didn't disappoint. The attention to detail...sprinkler removal/replacement, finding the right depth for our fields, before and after fertilization, were all expected and delivered with great results. The coaches are eager and excited to put the fields to use this season!
Joe Todaro
The 2 practice fields at Highers Athletic Complex are a type of hybrid Bermudagrass called GN-1. GN-1 is a very aggressive, fast-growing grass that, when left to itself, will cause issues to the playing surface. The University and SFS decided it would be wise to thin the canopy out and fraise mow it down 1/2 inch. In doing this, we removed a lot of material but also left plenty of plants for it to regenerate and fill back in. Things filled back in quickly, even allowing for 2 additional vertical mowings post fraise mow! The results we achieved in just under 5 weeks were remarkable. Through lots of water, fertilizer, and about 100 tons of topdressing sand the fields at Highers Athletic Complex will be ready and playable for the 2021 Baylor Bears season.